How I know God guides my photography.....

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies announce what his hands have made. Day after day they tell the story; night after night they tell it again. They have no speech or words; they have no voice to be heard. But their message goes out through all the world; their words go everywhere on earth."
Psalm 19: 1 - 4 (NCV).

Every time I look through the lens of my camera I see God working. Every day He reveals His majesty. Every night He shows me how He creates beauty even in the darkness. Even if I had not known Him before I started taking photos, the moment I looked at His creation up close (or far away) I see His glory and He guides me to see His beauty in all He has created. Photography just allows me to capture an image of what He has created.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Amgen Tour in Modesto, California

This post is just a little off my usual photos... The reason? The Amgen Tour of California just finished in Modesto, California (February 17, 2009 a little after 4 P.M.) and I just wanted to share the moment with others. I was on the East side of Sycamore Ave. at Coldwell (just down from Enslen School). The race circled in front of the school twice. The first time throught I took still shots, however, for the final sprint to the finish in Downtown Modesto, I decided to take short segments of video. These biker were within inches of where I stood on the turn and when they emerged in mass - well, just click on the video and see what I mean. Even with the heavy rains we've been having this was well worth being wet. The streets were lined with thousands of spectators.... Enjoy.

Here is one of the many still shots I took.

1 comment:

Mountain Mom said...

WOW! That totally rocks!!! Wish I coulda been there! (Cute white doggy across the street,too.)